Rather than using a clothes collection bin or issuing bags through letterboxes, we arrange collections only when there are goods to be recycled. This means that less plastic is used, collection routes are more efficient and there is less of an opportunity for fake charity collections and theft.
The wasteful nature of the fashion industry is well documented but with our help, our partner charities are now able to be part of the solution by encouraging people who wish to support them to recycle their clothes. With us they do not need to set up expensive high street shops or collection schemes to do this.
According to the Wrap website:

The average UK household owns around £4,000 worth of clothes.
Around 30% of clothing in wardrobes has not been worn for at least a year.
The cost of this unused clothing in the wardrobe is estimated to be around £30 billion.
An estimated £140 million worth (around 350,000 tonnes) of used clothing goes to landfill in the UK every year.
Two-thirds of UK consumers buy or receive pre-owned (or second-hand) clothes, and there is a willingness to wear more, especially if a better range were available.
At HWRCs nearly 30% of non-clothing textiles were estimated to be re-usable.
Collect My Clothes is a trading name of Roberts Recycling Ltd, a family-run business of third generation recyclers who are registered with the Fundraising Regulator, members of the Charity Retail Association and the Textile Recyclers Association. So when using us, you can be sure of the highest ethical standards and industry practices.

After using our service, you can be proud that your goods avoided landfill, generated income for a good cause and provided affordable clothing to poorer parts of the world.
We love talking about what we do, so please feel free to fill out an enquiry in the ‘contact us‘ section of the website if you have any questions, or if you think we can help you in any way.
How it works
Unwanted items, ethically recycled
Bag up your unwanted clothing
Put all of your unwanted clothing in a clean bag. We collect a wide range of clothes, shoes, bags and accessories (see the full list below), however all items must be clean and in a re-wearable condition.
Request a collection and select your charity
Once you have requested a collection using our online form and selected the charity you would like to support, a member of our team will be in touch to confirm the address, date and time for pick up. We can collect from homes, places of work and other agreed locations, and you can even leave the clothing outside to be retrieved as long as it’s safe and dry.
Your clothes will be ethically recycled
Your goods will be recycled or reused ethically, with most being sent to Eastern Europe to provide people with affordable clothing. Your chosen charity will then receive a minimum of £200 per ton collected!
Items we love

Most everyday clothing. Tops, jumpers, coats, trousers, jeans, skirts, dresses etc. Also includes child and baby clothes.
Bags & Accessories
Includes all bags, belts, ties, gloves, hats, scarves and jewellery. We also accept clean or new underwear & lingerie.

As long as they’re clean and not too worn, we accept any shoes, boots, heels or trainers.