How To Spring Clean Your Wardrobe

How To Spring Clean Your Wardrobe

Easter weekend – Spring has arrived and it’s the ideal time for a wardrobe refresh. When the seasons change we adapt to the weather and with Spring comes warmer and lighter days, which in itself allows us to feel more excited about decluttering our homes.

So if you are thinking about a wardrobe Spring update, you’ve landed in the right place. Here are our tips and tricks on how you can declutter through the mess and spring clean your wardrobe.

  1. Empty It Out

First things first, start by emptying out all of your wardrobe this way you can start with an empty space and see everything you currently own. It can also help to think of a goal what is your goal for the wardrobe once it’s complete? Perhaps it is to create a more minimalistic wardrobe, you might want to colour coordinate or even organise items in two separate categories. Whichever suits you best deciding your goal allows work more efficiently.

2. Work In Categories

Once your wardrobe is empty and you can see all of your clothing, now it’s time to work through each item, one at a time. We always recommend having two piles one for keeping and one for donating, this could mean to family, charity or our online clothing collection service. Arrange a collection here.

3. Ask Yourself – Does This Spark Joy?

During the wardrobe refresh it’s important to ask regular questions about each item of clothing. Organising star Marie Kondo, was famously quoted saying ‘Discard everything that doesn’t spark joy?’ Clothing is no longer bringing regular happiness to your life then perhaps it’s time to say goodbye. The reality is over consuming can make our minds feel cluttered, so by letting go of items that don’t bring joy we can help create a more peaceful lifestyle.

It is also important to question how often you have worn an item of clothing. Want something in the past 12 months this might be a sign that outgrown it and it’s time to say goodbye.

4. Clean And Wipe Down Your Wardrobe

So you’ve emptied your wardrobe, sorted it into categories and asked yourself key questions, wonderful! Tip number four is focused on cleaning the wardrobe itself. Most of us, if not all of us love our clothing and so we want their home to be clean and refreshing. With that in mind it’s time to grab the cleaning spray and a cloth and clean down your wardrobe, after all we don’t want to put our clothing back into a grubby wardrobe.

Extra Tip: Why not go one step further and keep things fresh by popping a fragrance bag in with the clothes!

5. Donate Your Unwanted Clothes

Perhaps the most important tip of a Spring clean wardrobe is this one. Once you’ve decided on the items you want to part way with, you must now decide how that process is going to take place. With over £140 million worth of used but still wearable clothing going to landfill in the UK every year, binning our textiles is simply not the answer.

Here at Collect My Clothes UK, we aim to encourage the UK to make sensible choices around the disposal of unwanted clothing. Our clothing collection service aims to help you do exactly that. In three simple steps, you can arrange for your unwanted items to be collected directly from your home.

Once you have requested a collection using our online form and selected the charity you would like to support, a member of our team will be in touch to confirm the address, date and time for pick up. Your goods will be recycled or reused ethically, with most being sent to Eastern Europe and Africa to provide people with affordable clothing.